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Simon Bate

The Website Resurfaces!

After a long time without a website, the website has been completely redesigned. The website now features all you need from Wind Orchestra, whether you want to know where our performances are, or the location and times of our rehearsals. Please ignore the adverts (it keeps it free!).

The new layout should be simple and easy to navigate, and contains various features:

- On the homepage, find direct links to all of our social media sites, with a small section for the most recent posts.

- On the about us section, find out more about what makes the Wind Orchestra so diverse and unique, along with links to our SU page, membership and a copy of our constitution.

- On the gallery, find the most recent photos from recent concerts (and hopefully videos of us performing too!)

- On the recent events & news page (you're here already!) find out about our recent socials/performances and tours.

- On the 'our people' page, find out more about the current exec, conductors and co-ordinators, their roles and their contact details.

- On the small bands page, discover more information about our small bands (Clarinet Choir, Feeling Saxy and Flute Choir).

- On the beginners wind page, find out more about the program and how you can get involved.

- On the calendar page, find out details about our rehearsals, socials and performances.

- On the contact page, find all of our contact details, whether you have a question, comment or review.

If you have any comments, suggestions or improvements please let me know!


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