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The Wind Orchestra Team 24/25

Executive Team


Name: Annabelle Snell

Year: 2nd

Course: Mathematics

Instrument: Flute, Saxophone, Baritone Horn

Favourite Wind Orch Piece: How To Train Your Dragon

Favourite Wind Orch Social: Pub Hike


Brief Description of Role: "My job is to help run the orchestra with Thalia. As one of the Presidents, I’m a main port of call for anything Wind Orch related! I supervise the exec, small band coordinators in their role while liaising with the Music Centre and other societies, the SU and any external organisations. I make sure any problems can be rectified as quickly as possible so Wind Orch can rehearse and perform at its best."

Vice President/Treasurer

Name: Matthew Holden

Year: 3rd

Course: Mathematics

Instrument: Saxophone

Favourite Wind Orch Piece: October

Favourite Wind Orch Social: Pub Hike


Brief Description of Role: "My role is to help out the presidents with running the society, and to keep track of all the funds."

Welfare Officer

Brief Description of Role: "As welfare officer it’s my job to make sure everyone’s having a fun time at rehearsals, events and socials, and to make sure they’re accessible to all! I’m also available to all members of the orchestra if they need help or advice on anything :)"

Name: Callie Cummins

Year: 1st

Course: Politics and International Studies

Instrument(s): Flute and Piccolo

Favourite Wind Orch Piece: Chansons de Normandie  

Favourite Wind Orch Social: Circling


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Name: Roshan Downey

Year: 1st

Course: Physics

Instrument: Trumpet

Favourite Wind Orch Piece: How To Train Your Dragon

Favourite Wind Orch Social: Circling


Brief Description of Role: "As secretary, it is my role to keep the society organised, including managing mailing lists, booking rooms and maintaining the website. I also run the Beginner's Wind scheme and take minutes at meetings."

Concert Manager

Name: Emily Tall

Year: 2nd

Course: Sociology

Instrument: Clarinet

Favourite Wind Orch Piece: How To Train Your Dragon

Favourite Wind Orch Social: Watching Eurovision


Brief Description of Role: "As concert manager I organise the various performances that we do throughout the year and make sure things run smoothly on the day. This includes a termly Main Band Concert, going to the annual National Concert Band Festival and helping the Small Bands with their concerts."

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Marketing Manager

Name: Molly Boxall

Year: 1st

Course: English Literature 

Instrument: Alto Saxophone

Favourite Wind Orch Piece:  Chansons de Normandie

Favourite Wind Orch Social:  Circling


Brief Description of Role: As Marketing Manager of Wind Orchestra, my main responsibility is to advertise concerts, upcoming events, or bring awareness to the society as a whole. This promotion is done across our various social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, etc), or through flyers/posters. As well as this, I order and manage the merchandise for Wind Orchestra.

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Librarian (1)

Name: Emily Deakin

Year: 1st

Course: History

Instrument: Flute

Favourite Wind Orch Piece: Pirates of the Caribbean 

Favourite Wind Orch Social: Circling


Brief Description of Role:"As a librarian, I help to organise music for rehearsals and concerts, provide practice copies for anyone who wants them, and can swap music with other bands."

Librarian (2)

Name: Grace Jones

Year: 1st

Course: History

Instrument: Flute, Saxophone

Favourite Wind Orch Piece: 


Favourite Wind Orch Social:



Brief Description of Role:"As a librarian, I help to organise music for rehearsals and concerts, provide practice copies for anyone who wants them, and can swap music with other bands."

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Social Secretary

Brief Description of Role: 





Favourite Wind Orch Piece: 


Favourite Wind Orch Social:



Small Band Coordinators

© 2024 [UWWO] University of Warwick Wind Orchestra. 

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